Home Page > Tags > The Holidays of Tishrei The Holidays of Tishrei Text size The Days Between Yom Kippur and Succoth The days between Yom Kippur and Succoth are directed towards preparing man for his return to the affairs of this world in a suitable and sacred manner. The Days of Awe and Sukkot: Parallel Lines Don't Let Them Get Us Down Daily Mishna Rosh Hashana ד: ח-ט Daily Mishna Rosh Hashana ד: ו-ז Daily Mishna Rosh Hashana ד: ד-ה Daily Mishna Rosh Hashana ראש השנה ד: ב-ג Daily Mishna Rosh Hashana ראש השנה ג: ח. ד: א Daily Mishna Rosh Hashana ראש השנה ג. ו-ז Daily Mishna Rosh Hashana ראש השנה ג. ד-ה Daily Mishna Rosh Hashana ראש השנה ג. ב-ג