The Month of Adar

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shutterstockAdar - the month of laughter
The laughter that G-d laughs with the righteous in the World to Come.
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    Does Adar l Impact on Adar ll?
    When did Haman's decree happen? In the first or the second Adar?
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    Paradoxical Adar
    We find in this month both life and death, beginning and end. Birth and life on the one hand, loss and destruction on the other.
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    Joy - A Foundation of Faith
    Additional joy serves as an expression of appreciation toward the Almighty for the miracles He performed on our behalf.
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    When Adar arrives…
    From the Purim story, we understood that even the threat of total annihilation can be foiled and bring a new national "lease on life."
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    Adar - the month of laughter
    The month of Adar is known to be the month of happiness and laughter. The month of Adar is a month of a great effort to compare our will with the will of God.
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    “Joining Forces” on Purim
    We enter its chambers "in costume," and exit them unmasked and illuminated.
את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר