Beit Midrash

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2 Lessons
    The Essence of Purim

    The “Pur” Behind Purim

    All of the books of the Prophets and the entire body of the Sacred Writings are to be annulled in the Messianic Age - with the exception of the Book of Ester. It, like the Five Books of Moses and the laws of the Oral Tradition, will never be annulled.

    Rabbi Chaim Yerucham Smotrich | Adar, 5761
    Preperation for Shavuot

    “...First Bless Over The Torah”

    Torah calls for preparation. The Patriarchs preceded the giving of the Torah, and, as the foundation of the Jewish people, fulfilled the entire Torah even before it was given. This measure was taken as a kind of preparation for receiving the Torah.

    Rabbi Chaim Yerucham Smotrich | Sivan, 5759
את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר