Beit Midrash

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5 Lessons
    4 min

    Exploitation through compound interest

    The Torah commands us to not take interest when we give a loan. We should try to revive this Mitzva and bring the Geulah.

    Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu | Iyar 12 5782
    2 min

    Inventing Religion

    If you're going to make up a religion, you'd better not make promises you can't keep. Parshat Behar contains a huge promise that only the Creator could make.

    Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair | Iyar 10 5782
    3 min

    What's First - Messiah or Aliya

    Israel National Torah

    Looking at the Ohr HaHayim's commentary on this week's Parshat Behar to discover the answer to the centuries-old question: Will Redemption come miraculously or by natural means?

    Baruch Gordon | Iyar 23 5781
    3 min

    What's First - Messiah or Aliya?

    Israel National Torah

    Who must initiate the redemption of Israel? Will it be G-D through blatant miracles, or will the Jewish people gradually awaken to return home? The Or Hachaim answers that question based on this week's Torah reading.

    Baruch Gordon | Iyar 21 5780
    3 min
    Family & the Parsha

    Helping Your Brother

    The Torah tells us that in the same way we would not take interest from our brother we should not do this to any jew as we are all brothers.

    Rabbi Baruch Finkelstein | 19 Iyar 5772
את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר