16 Lessons

The Third Player in the Contest Between Good and Evil
Rabbi Elyakim Levanon | 25 Kislev 5784
The Hidden Candle
One year when lighting the first candle of Hanukkah with Rabbi Baruch from Mez'ibose' , the flame jumped and disappeared from the candle, with no signs of smoke. How does the flame, the darkness and the exile connect Hanukkah?
Rabbi Netanel Yossifun
Hanukkah: A Lesson for Our Generation
On Chanukah are we celebrating our incredible victory in what looked like a suicidal war, the miracle of the pot of oil or both? How does this gives us much-needed insight into current events?
Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed | Kislev 26 5768

Western Culture – What to Accept and What to Reject
The House of Israel is unlike other nations. Every other nation can replace its culture for another without causing any damage whatsoever to the nation. This is not the case with the Jewish people. Our nation is no nation at all without its Torah.
Various Rabbis | 26 kislev 5768
Pre-Chanuka Thoughts
The rise of The Saducees, eventually encouraged by Alexander Yanai, the most powerful of the Hasmonean kings, undermined the peoples’ faith in Torah and rabbinic tradition. So why is there such a big deal over the matter of Chanuka?
Rabbi Berel Wein | Kislev 5768

What Is Jewish Culture?
“The light shall triumph,” proclaims the Chanukah candle. It conveys the story of the small Jewish nation that stood up to the colossal Greek culture and emerged victorious. Does it also have the power to reveal to me what Jewish culture is?
Various Rabbis | Kislev 5768

Chanukah and a Jam at the Jaffa Gate
On Purim, the faith in God's omnipotence and the Torah's divinity were revealed. On Chanukah, the faith in personal Divine Providence was revealed: God delivered the many into the hands of the few. We, too, must strive to see God's providence in all.
Rabbi Meir Goldwicht | 5767

Hellenism's Value and Its Rectification via Judaism
The turning point in Hellenist culture came when classic paganism became a general idea. This happened when they stripped paganism of its religious content and transformed it into a cluster of ideas - purposive, active forces became laws and domains.
Rabbi Ze'ev Sultanowitz | 5765

Believing in Belief
Rabbi Yossef Carmel | 27 Kislev 5765
Miracles, Miracles Everywhere
Chanukah is the festival of miracles, but what are the real nature of miracles and how can we celebrate the miracles in our lives.
Rabbi Gideon Weitzman | 5765
The Lesson of Chanukah
Chanukah is a time of praise and thanksgiving to God for the miracles and wonders that He performed on behalf of our ancestors “in those days at this time.” It is also a time to reflect upon and learn from the great events which happened in those days.
Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed | Kislev 25 5758

Chanukah - An Eternal Light
Unlike Greek thought, Judaism teaches that all of man's actions possess value and make an impression upon the heavens and earth - momentarily and eternally. The morality of man is not mere courtesy; our commandments are not some external performance.
Rabbi David Chai Hacohen | Kislev, 5761

"Each According to his Camp"
We cannot be satisfied with strengthening only one portion of the people, no matter how important its task be. We must designate persons for each of our national goals, whether the strengthening of the Torah or the building of the nation.
Rabbi David Chai Hacohen | Kislev, 5761
The Maccabis of Today are Victorious
Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed | Chanukah 5755

The Chanukah Revolution Continues
1. Darkness Before the Miracles 2. How Many, And How Few 3. Spiritual Muscles 4. Think Before You Leap 5. The Chanukah Revolution
Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu | Kislev 5762