Beit Midrash

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7 Lessons
    G-d's leadership in the world

    Can Z'chut Avot Ever "Run-Out"?

    How does Z'chut Avot (merit of our fore-fathers) work? Why should their actions thousands of years ago, still be effective, say if over the more than 100 generations, we may have done many more sins that eventually out-weigh even their many merits? And if so, does that mean that there possibly may not be a ge'ula (redemption), if we really don't deserve it? Especially today, when most Jews (especially outside of Israel), aren't that observant, this topic is particularly pertinent. As usual, Rav Kook zt"l has an innovative approach to the topic. (Rav Kook, Ayn Aya Shabbat v, 31)

    Rabbi Ari Shvat | 17 Elul 5783
    G-d's leadership in the world

    Why Does G-d Test Me With Such Difficult Challenges?

    Rav Uriel Tuito of Beit El delivers an important answer to a series of similar but different questions on a critically crucial topic.

    Rabbi Oriel Twito | Av 21 5781
    G-d's leadership in the world

    Doesn't G-d Also Cause the Harm in the First Place?

    Translated and edited by Hillel Fendel

    Why must we thank G-d for performing miracles when it was He Himself Who also brought the sickness or near-attack upon us in the first place?

    Rabbi Yehoshua Weitzman | Sivan 13 5781
    G-d's leadership in the world

    Is G-d being "kind" if He's working toward a specific end goal?

    Translated and edited by Hillel Fendel

    Why do we think of the State of Israel as a kindness that G-d performed for us, when actually He did it for Himself, for the purpose of the Redemption process?

    Rabbi Hagai Lerrer | Sivan 13 5781
    35 min
    G-d's leadership in the world

    The Different Levels On Which G-d Runs the World & Transmits to Us

    Ein Aya, Shabbat 2, 241

    Anyone who believes that G-d runs the world knows that he does so via various ways & on many different levels. Rav Kook deals with these many venues how He transmits messages to us & analyzes the extent of the direct & indirect levels, including dreams (mine & those around me) sickness (mine & those around me), accidents, challenges etc. The question of "why bad things happen to good people" is based upon the mistaken & even childish thought that life is supposed to be smooth, as opposed to Judaism which sees life as challenges, some pleasant & others not, which are sent us as G-d's way of helping us grow, be independent & Godly. Many aspects of life have nothing to do with "reward & punishment", but are "wake-up calls" to analyze ourselves.

    Rabbi Ari Shvat | Cheshvan 17 5781
    4 min
    G-d's leadership in the world

    The Babysitter's Message

    A young 14-year-old girl ends up saving the life of a seven-year-old child she was babysitting so many years later.

    Rabbi Yoel Gold | Cheshvan 8 5780
    Ein Ayah

    When Bad Can Bring Good

    Various Rabbis | Av 13 5775
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