Beit Midrash

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72 Lessons
    Shlach Lecha


    Rabbi Berel Wein | 15 Adar II 5784
    Shlach Lecha

    Lead, don’t concede!

    Rabbi Stewart Weiss | Sivan 5783
    Shlach Lecha

    Who was the mysterious “wood gatherer” & what was his sin?

    Rabbi Stewart Weiss | Sivan 5783
    Shlach Lecha

    Am I Jewish?

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | Sivan 5783
    4 min
    Shlach Lecha

    Permission to be Proud

    Rabbi Yosef Nave | Sivan 20 5783
    Shlach Lecha

    Two Kinds of Fear

    Rabbi Jonathan Sacks | Sivan 5783
    Shlach Lecha

    Big, Small, and Giant

    Rabbi Yossef Carmel | Sivan 5783
    Shlach Lecha

    The Contemporary Mitzvah of Living In the Land

    In light of increasing instability around the world, including anti-Semitism, international inflation, eroding family values, and more, and in view of this week's Torah portion of Shlah that recounts the story of the Spies and their sinful negative report about the Land of Israel – we bring you the following article by the newly-appointed Chief Rabbi of Gush Etzion, the renowned Rav Yosef Tzvi Rimon.

    Rabbi Yosef Tzvi Rimon | Sivan 18 5782
    Shlach Lecha

    Don't Just Go Out Scrambling

    Many professions depend on ratings – politicians, businessmen, artists, and even rabbis – their livelihood is dependent upon the love of the public, and therefore they collect and "gather" votes, likes, sympathy from the media and applause.

    Rabbi Haggai Lundin | Sivan 17 57852
    Shlach Lecha

    Assembling Reminders

    You are driving ever so slightly above the speed limit. You see a police car in your rear-view mirror. You slow down. That is precisely the psychology behind the mitzvah of tzitzit in this week’s parsha.

    Rabbi Jonathan Sacks | Sivan 17 5782
    Shlach Lecha

    Testing G-D

    Each test in turn failed to achieve anything other than harming that generation and dooming it to destruction, never to enter the land of Israel.

    Rabbi Berel Wein | Sivan 16 5782
    Parashat Hashavua

    “Their Shadow has been Removed”

    Yehoshua and Kalev tried to convince Bnei Yisrael to follow their advice and not the wicked spies. They said “Their Shadow has been Removed”. What did they mean by this?

    Rabbi Yossef Carmel | Sivan 15 5782
    Shlach Lecha

    Who is your tour guide?

    Who is your tour guide? That makes all the how you deal with the Giant problem.

    Rabbi Yonatan Kirsch | Cheshvan 7 5782
    Shlach Lecha

    How Not to Desecrate Shabbos

    The story of the mekosheish, the man caught gathering wood on Shabbos, in Parshas Shelach, contains a host of conflicting and unusual midrashim. The story also serves as a springboard for many halachic and hashkafic issues.

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | Tammuz 19 5781
    3 min
    Shlach Lecha

    For God's Sake Don't Go To Israel

    Israel National Torah

    Clarifying the spies' argument for not entering the Land of Israel...and then clarifies why it's so important to enter the Land anyway.

    Baruch Gordon | Sivan 22 5781
    Shlach Lecha


    One of the fundamental tasks of any leader, from president to parent, is to give people a sense of confidence: in themselves, in the group of which they are a part, and in the mission itself.

    Rabbi Jonathan Sacks | Siavn 22 5781
    Shlach Lecha

    The "Can-do!" People

    The Torah is not a book of Fairy Tales. Fairy tales almost always have happy endings, but not every story in the Torah has a happy ending.

    Rabbi Stewart Weiss | Sivan 22 5781
    Shlach Lecha

    The land of Israel

    The land of Israel has always posed a problem for the Jewish people. On one hand, it is and always has been our national homeland. On the other hand, the record of the Jewish people in the land of Israel, and their behavior and attitudes, has often been a spotty one.

    Rabbi Berel Wein | Sivan 21 5781
    Parashat Hashavua

    What Does a Jewish State Entail?

    Our Parasha refers to the different reactions of three groups. Yehoshua and Kalev returned from their mission to Eretz Yisrael with reinforced belief in Hashem. The ten spies returned confused and lacking in belief. The Ma’apilim tried to reach Eretz Yisrael after Hashem had commanded them not to.

    Rabbi Yossef Carmel | Sivan 20 5781
    Shlach Lecha

    The Holey Donut

    What brocha should I recite before eating a donut? Does it make a difference whether it is an American-style, hole-in-the-middle donut or an Israeli-style jelly donut? Must I separate challah from the donuts I am frying for Chanukah? I just purchased a donut shop that is quite distant from any Jewish community. Must I make sure that challah is taken?

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | Sivan 20 5781
את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר