Beit Midrash

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14 Lessons
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    Trying on a Beged without Tzitzit

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | 12 Shvat 5784
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    How to Tell When Your Tefillin Need Adjustment

    [Periodically, we re-issue our discussion on the proper position of tefillin shel rosh (last time, seven years ago). Many people do not realize that tefillin extending too far forward is a far more severe problem than being slightly off center. In Living the Halachic Process, I:G-1, we develop the halacha that the end of the tefillin must not go beyond the roots of the hair of the hairline. Upon visiting different shuls, from various elements of society, it pains me to see great numbers of fine Jews who are definitely donning their tefillin wrong and many others about whom it is hard to tell, especially when they have receding hairlines. Since even some talmidei chachamim get it wrong, I assume that knowing how to apply the halacha to one’s head is a big problem. We will focus here on tricks to figure this out.]

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Shvat 5783
    Tzitzit & Tefillin

    Mistake in Beracha on Delayed Laying of Tefillin – part II

    After I fastened the tefillin shel yad, I realized that the beracha I had recited was not the one for tefillin but that I had instinctively said Yotzer Ohr. I continued davening with just the shel yad until the next semi-break, Yotzer Hame’orot, at which point I put on the shel rosh. Was that correct?

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Sivan 8 5782
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    Mistake in Beracha on Delayed Laying of Tefillin – part I

    After I fastened the tefillin shel yad, I realized that the beracha I had recited was not the one for tefillin but that I had instinctively said Yotzer Ohr. I continued davening with just the shel yad until the next semi-break, Yotzer Hame’orot, at which point I put on the shel rosh and the hand wrappings. Was that correct, and what should I have recited when?

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Iyar 29 5782
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    Age to Begin Wearing Tefillin

    My son is almost twelve. When is it best for him to start putting on tefillin (he is a responsible, religiously eager child)? We are ba’alei teshuva (without family minhagim).

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Adar I 30 5782
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    Do All Tzitzit Knots Need to be Double

    When I tied a pair of tzitzit, I tied a double knot to the garment and for the final knot, but for the three knots in between the chulyot (subsections of string wrappings), I tied single knots. Is that sufficient?

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Sivan 23 5780
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    Consequence of Removal of Sleeve from under Tefillin

    When after fastening the tefillin shel yad, I find part of my sleeve under the tefillin and pull it away, must I refasten the tefillin due to the rule of ta’aseh v’lo min ha’asuy (=tvlmh – mitzva-related actions must be performed directly)? In this case, the placement of the tefillin becomes proper not by fastening them but by removing something else!

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Nissan 27 5780
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    Where Should the Tzitzit Be Connected to the Tallit?

    I have learned that the tzitzit should be laying on the outside of the tallit, but I do not see that people are careful about it. How important is it for it to be done properly?

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Tevet 16 5780
    Tzitzit & Tefillin

    Tefillin Retzuos, Maintenance, and Purchasing Instructions

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | Elul 1 5779
    Tzitzit & Tefillin

    A Tefillin Shoppers Guide (Part II)

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | Av 17 5779
    Tzitzit & Tefillin

    A Tefillin Shoppers Guide

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | Av 12 5779
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    Trying on Tefillin at Night

    May one try on tefillin at night, or does that fall under the category of not putting on tefillin at night?

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Adar I 9 5779
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    How to Tell When Your Tefillin Need Adjustment

    How can one tell when his tefillin shel rosh needs adjustment?

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Tevet 8 5776
    Tzitzit & Tefillin

    Blended and Synthetic Tzitzis

    Is a silk Talis Kosher? What is the basis of the halachic controversy whether one may have a talis koton made of rayon? I have a talis koton that says that it is made of a cotton-polyester blend. Do I recite a brocha when I put it on?

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff
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