Beit Midrash

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9 Lessons
    39 min
    Ein Aya

    Shabbat that Elevates Not Just the Secular but Even the Foreign

    Ein Aya Shabbat 4, 8

    It's common knowledge that Shabbat elevates the secular to be holy, but Rav Kook writes that the ideal Shabbat will elevate even concepts which are foreign to Judaism.

    Rabbi Ari Shvat | Tamuz 14 5782
    38 min
    The spiritual view

    A Deeper Take on Shabbat: Why is This Allowed & That Prohibited?

    Ein Aya Shabbat 4, 4

    This important lecture helps answer the classic question we all ask: Why are certain things allowed on Shabbat and others forbidden? Rav Kook, based on Kabbalistic sources, explains that the 6 days of creation and the Mishkan- the 2 classic "constrictions" (Tzimtzum) of God, are the anti-thesis of Shabbat. Accordingly only and precisely those 39 types of labor which were done to construct the mishkan correspond to the 6 days of creation, from which we want to rise above on Shabbat, to get a taste of the original Shabbat which preceded creation, and the final Shabbat, when all of creation will be like Shabbat. This basic and beautiful idea is clarified here in a very understandable way

    Rabbi Ari Shvat | Sivan 17 5782
    Ein Ayah

    The Correct Growth of the Individual and the Nation

    Various Rabbis | 5775
    Ein Ayah

    What Brings Us the Correct Light for Shabbat?

    Various Rabbis | 5775
    Ein Ayah

    The Limits and Significance of Human Ingenuity

    Various Rabbis | 5775
    The spiritual view

    A Return To The Sabbath

    Rabbi Berel Wein
    The spiritual view

    Shabat As Value

    Rabbi Berel Wein | Tevet 5768
    The spiritual view

    Shabbat Preparations

    Even a person who has many servants should try to prepare personally something for the Sabbath. R' Chisda would mince vegetables; Rabbah and R' Yosef would chop wood. Every person should make them his example, for honoring the Sabbath is a privilege.

    Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu Zt"l | 5767

    Shabbat - The Crown of All Creations

    Parashat Beshalach

    Parashat Beshalach

    Rabbi Yossef Carmel | Shvat 5765
את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר