Beit Midrash

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12 Lessons
    Preperation for Shavuot

    Are We Ready?

    Rabbi Yosef Tzvi Rimon | 5778

    Aliyah Laregel for Shavuos

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | Iyar 24 5778
    Preperation for Shavuot

    Shavuot And The Land Of Israel

    Rabbi Yosef Tzvi Rimon | 2777
    Preperation for Shavuot

    Akdamus Practices‏

    Edited by Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff

    Prior to Shavuos in previous years, I published articles on the topics of producing and eating dairy bread, how to make kosher cheese, whether Shavuos is preceded by Parshas Bamidbar or Parshas Naso, and about the laws of making pareve foods. All of these articles can be accessed on This year, I decided to distribute an article by my close friend, Rabbi Avraham Rosenthal, on the Ashkenazic custom of reciting Akdamus on Shavuos.

    Rabbi Avraham Rosenthal | Sivan 3 5777
    Parashat Hashavua

    Hakdama to Akdamot

    During the upcoming holiday of Shavuot, we will not be fulfilling any mitzvot that are specific to this holiday – not mitzvot from the Torah and not even mitzvot derabbanan. (In the time of the Beit Hamikdash, there was a special korban brought, called shtei halechem.)

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | Sivan 1 5776
    Preperation for Shavuot

    Tefilat HaShlah

    The Shlah's prayer for children education

    The Shelah's Prayer (Tefilat HaShlah), is a prayer for education of children. Many say this beautiful prayer on Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan, as the Shelah wrote in the introduction to prayer.

    Various Rabbis
    Preperation for Shavuot

    Coming clean before G-d

    What is the meaning of the three days of preparation before getting the Torah ant the three things to do in advance: Sanctify ourselves, set boundaries & wash our clothing?

    Rabbi Stewart Weiss
    Preperation for Shavuot

    Study or Action

    The sages of the Mishnah posed the following question: Which is greater, study or practice? “Rabbi Tarphon answered, saying, 'Practice is greater'; Rabbi Akiva answered, saying: 'Study is greater..' Rabbi Eliyahu Brin provides insight.

    Rabbi Eliyahu Brin | 5764
    Preperation for Shavuot

    “...First Bless Over The Torah”

    Torah calls for preparation. The Patriarchs preceded the giving of the Torah, and, as the foundation of the Jewish people, fulfilled the entire Torah even before it was given. This measure was taken as a kind of preparation for receiving the Torah.

    Rabbi Chaim Yerucham Smotrich | Sivan, 5759
    Preperation for Shavuot

    The Path to Receiving Torah

    It is impossible to whole-heartedly take upon oneself the yoke of Torah if one is not open-minded. Similarly, it is impossible to embrace the Torah if one possesses strong desires and is unable to make his will subservient to that of the Almighty.

    Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed | Shvat, 5761
    Preperation for Shavuot

    As Shavuot Approaches...

    A Time and Place Happy Birthday Reliving Matan Torah

    Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed | Sivan 5759
    Preperation for Shavuot

    In Order to Elevate You've got to Descend

    The task of the Torah is to repair all. To plunge to the depths in order to elevate even the lowest of the low

    Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed | sivan 5753
את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר