Beit Midrash

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8 Lessons
    Women in Judaism

    Women, Kiddush and Bracha Acharonah

    "I was told years ago that I should make kiddush before I eat Shabbos morning. Recently, someone told me that this was not necessary. What should I do?" "I recited the after bracha on the cake, but forgot to include al hagafen for the wine I drank. I didn’t know whether I was supposed to recite the bracha acharonah again, in order to say the al hagafen, or whether I should do nothing."

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff
    Women in Judaism

    Women's level in serving Hashem

    Throughout the centuries, the Jewish women had a strong faith in God, a faith which brought the redemption of the nation.

    Rabbi Moshe Tzuriel
    Bemare Habazak - Rabbis Questions

    Why Can’t Women Blow the Shofar for Men?

    Rabbi Daniel Mann | 5772

    Looking for the Lost Mothers

    “Fathers and sons” may be a good name for our parasha. Mothers and daughters are somehow missing.

    Rabbi Yossef Carmel | Iyar 5767
    Rosh Chodesh

    The Sanctity of the New Moon

    On the Sabbath before the New Moon there is a custom to announce the day (or days) of the week on which it will fall, and to recite a blessing, "that God should renew this coming month for us and the entire Jewish people for goodness and blessing."

    Rabbi Eliezer Melamed | 5765
    Women in Judaism

    Women, Precepts, and Perimeters

    As a rule, women are obligated to observe the commandments of the Torah just like men, with the exception of positive time-bound precepts. Yet, if a woman wishes to voluntarily perform a positive time-bound commandment, she receives merit for this.

    Rabbi Eliezer Melamed | 5766
    Women in Judaism

    The Woman and Her Commandments

    Essentially, men and women are created equal and both are graced by the divine image through which every human being is created. Likewise, the unalterable chosenness of the Jewish people and their innate holiness embraces men and women alike.

    Rabbi Eliezer Melamed | 5766
    Various Subjects

    A Woman's Obligation to Pray

    According to most authorities, women are no less obligated to pray than men. Therefore, they must pray “Amida” in the morning and the afternoon (“Shacharit” and “Mincha”). The evening Amida prayer (“Maariv”), on the other hand, is voluntary.

    Rabbi Eliezer Melamed | 5766
את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר