Beit Midrash

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65 Lessons
    Klal Yisra'el

    Try This at Home: Two Proven Methods to Increase Love of G-d

    Rabbi Yehoshua Shapira | 8 Elul 5783
    Klal Yisra'el

    Israel - The Fall and Rise, and Fall and Rise

    Rabbi Dov Lior | 1 Elul 5783
    Unity and Controversy

    The Fourth Camp

    Rabbi Aaron Egeltal | 24 Av 5783
    The Value of the Nation of Israel

    Singing Israel's Praises – in Every First Verse

    Rabbi Eitan Shendorpi | 28 Iyar 5783
    The Value of the Nation of Israel

    The Inner Jewish Spark that Cannot be Extinguished

    Rav Kook explains that there are people whose Jewish segulah is not seen or felt at all, to the point where he could be mistaken for a total Gentile. However, Rav Kook emphasizes, this can only happen to one who has developed a hatred for his Jewish brethren – but that even in this case, his segulah is still there

    Rabbi Chaim Avihau Schwartz | iyar 6 5783
    The Value of the Nation of Israel

    Segula: Part 1: What is Emuna?/When Are We Called "Children" of G-d?

    There are various levels of faith. Jewish faith - emuna - is different than other faiths. Emuna refers not just to a sense of belief, but rather to a connection with Hashem (G-d), and it is via this connection that a Jew directs his life and actions in the world...The very link between the Nation of Israel and Hashem is totally different from that between the rest of humanity and the Divine...

    Rabbi Chaim Avihau Schwartz | Nissan 2 5783
    The Value of the Nation of Israel

    The Uniqueness of the Jewish People

    It is one of the principles of our faith that we must know and believe that the Nation of Israel is a nation of segula, a treasured people of a special nature. Another article of faith is that we must know that Israel is separate from others, different in its essence from all other peoples on the face of the earth.

    Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed | Adar 3 5783
    The Value of the Nation of Israel

    Between Israel and the Gentiles

    There has always been a hatred, sometimes hidden, on the part of the gentiles towards Israel, with no explanation and no justification. This hatred is deep-seated and constant, in every place and time. It doesn't matter whether we are successful or not; it's always there. Sometimes they hate Jews because they're capitalist, and sometimes because they're socialist. Here they hate us because they're conservative, and there they loathe us because we're too liberal. They have contempt for us when we're too talented and industrious, even as others accuse us of being useless parasites. Sometimes it's because we are too advanced, and other times it's because we are backward and outdated. There's no one correct reason, and in fact, there is no reason at all...

    Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed | Tevet 13 5783
    Israel and the Nations

    Joining Gentiles

    A non-Jewish client is marrying off his daughter, may I attend and eat or drink something that is kosher? May I attend the company end-of-year parties and picnics? My boss asked me to attend a meeting with a new client in a non-kosher restaurant. Is this permitted, and may I order a cup of coffee or a fruit plate?

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | Tamuz 14 5782
    The Value of the Nation of Israel

    All of Israel Are Equal

    Rabbi Michael Linetsky | Cheshvan 24 5782
    Harav Avraham Yitzchak Hacohen Kook

    Weren't Rav Kook's Positions Unique Among Rabbis?

    Translated by Hillel Fendel

    I learned that if a rabbi takes a position that opposes that of all the other rabbis in his generation, he is not to be listened to. Would this not apply to Rav Kook who was a lone voice in his generation?

    Rabbi Yaakov Cohen | Cheshvan 22 5782
    Israel and the Nations

    May a Non-Jew Own a Nectarine Tree?

    I am not Jewish, but I observe the laws of Noahides as recorded in the writings of Maimonides. I am aware that a gentile may not graft one species of tree onto another. Does owning a nectarine tree violate this prohibition?

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | Tishrei 28 5782
    The Value of the Nation of Israel

    Why a *Nation* Is Needed to Fulfill G-d's Plan

    The Divine Idea reaches full expression only in the form of national Jewish life in the Jewish land – and not simply via individuals, no matter how righteous they may be.

    Rabbi Haggai Lundin | Elul 19 5781
    37 min
    Ein Aya

    Why Donate a Kiddush?! Life of Greatness With Israel or Life of Smallness Alone

    Ein Aya, Shabbat 2, 283

    Rav Kook explains why our sages teach us the custom to donate a Kiddush, contribution etc. to the shul, community or to Israel, to commemorate & celebrate an individual simcha, milestone or recuperation. Most people are preoccupied with their small and immature self-centered concerns, but a more worthwhile, mature, satisfying & idealistic option is to live a life of greatness as part of Am Yisrael, the Chosen Nation, adding depth and meaning to an otherwise, small life.

    Rabbi Ari Shvat | Av 4 5781
    Unity and Controversy

    The Expanse of Unity

    Sometimes division seems good and constructive. But already at the very start of the creation of the world, the Sages of the Land of Israel impart to us that division is extremely undesirable.

    Rabbi Michael Linetsky | Tammuz 26 5781
    Israel and the Nations


    The interviewer asked Thomas Sowell if he thought that there was anything in the behavior in Jewish society that the Jewish people could themselves correct to mitigate anti-Semitism.Surprisingly, he said that he would have one piece of advice for Jewish society, “fail!”.

    Rabbi Berel Wein | Tammuz 7 5781
    The Value of the Nation of Israel

    Jews' Special Status: Doing Good For the World

    Translated by Hillel Fendel

    What makes Israel special? This question was keeping me awake at night. But see the end of the article for very practical answers.

    Rabbi Eliezer Melamed | Sivan 24 5781
    41 min
    Ein Aya

    9 Tips from Rav Kook on: How To Argue, Debate & "Do Kiruv" Successfully

    Ein Aya Shabbat 2 279

    Arguing is part of every marriage and relationship, and there must be a constructive way to do so. Similarly, so many Jews are far from Torah, that there must be some guidelines how to "Mekarev" them in the most beneficial way to return to Judaism. Rav Kook, as always, has some innovative tips.

    Rabbi Ari Shvat | Sivan 22 5781
    The Value of the Nation of Israel

    The Source of Israel's Uniqueness

    Translated by Hillel Fendel

    The uniqueness of the People of Israel does not begin with the appearance of the people of Israel, but well before that. As R. Yehuda HaLevy says in his classic work HaKuzari, we already see differences between people starting from the days of Adam HaRishon – the first human being to live on the face of the earth – and we comprehend that not everyone is equal.

    Rabbi Chaim Avihau Schwartz | Nissan 6 5781
    The Value of the Nation of Israel

    What Israel Suffered in History - and Why

    Translated by Hillel Fendel

    Soon, the Nation of Israel will be greatly raised up, it will become clear why the Jewish Nation suffered more than the other nations, and why it became a wretched symbol of degradation among the Gentiles.

    Rabbi Zalman Baruch Melamed | Shvat 23 5781
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