Beit Midrash

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62 Lessons

    The Binding of Isaac: A New Interpretation

    Rabbi Jonathan Sacks | 8 Shvat 5784

    Parashat Vayera: The Danger of Sinful Contemplation

    There is a surprising midrash about the background of the test that Avraham underwent with the binding of Yitzchak, which the Torah introduces with the words “It was after these matters” (Bereishit 22:1). The obvious questions are: what were these “matters” and what was their significance? One midrash (Yelamdenu, Bereishit 104) says that Avraham had contemplated negative thoughts about Hashem’s attribute of judgment. Avraham was concerned that because he had been saved from death, he used up his reward and would not have any in the world to come. Consequently, he had to give an oleh sacrifice, which is appropriate for sins of the heart (with the sacrifice being his son).

    From the Chemdat Yamim Leaflet

    Avraham’s Prophecy

    Parshas Vayeira begins with Hashem appearing to Avraham. When a Navi, Avraham included, receives a prophecy, he is in a prophetic trance or a dreamlike state, as we will see later in the words of the Rambam regarding prophecy. Yet, the very next Posuk has Avraham seeing travelers, racing out to invite them into his tent, cooking and serving them a meal, and carrying on a conversation with them. How could he do this if he was in the middle of having a prophetic vision?

    Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff

    When Kindness is Evil

    What is true kindness?

    What is true kindness?

    Rabbi Moshe Leib Halberstadt | 19 Cheshvan 5784


    Our life, you might argue, is one long test. In Hebrew, a "Nisayon." The word is multi-dimensional, as it also contains the word, "nes – miracle." The implication is that when we rise to the occasion & pass our tests, miracles flow both to & through us.

    Rabbi Stewart Weiss | Cheshvan 18 5784

    The Binding of Isaac: A New Interpretation

    Rabbi Jonathan Sacks | Chesvan 16 5784

    There's No Such This as "I Used to Be Religious"

    There is a certain difficulty that every teacher (and parent) faces: You work hard, try to educate and advance your child, and very often you feel that nothing is moving; you feel failure...

    Rabbi Netanel Yossifun | Heshvan 17 5783

    The Binding of Isaac

    Why did God need to “test” Abraham, given that He knows the human heart better than we know it ourselves?

    Rabbi Jonathan Sacks | Cheshvan 15 5782

    Our father Abraham

    Our father Abraham experiences the revelation of the Lord when he is sitting alone at the opening of his tent. However, we readily can see that the Torah is describing for us the permanent and regular state of being of our Father figure.

    Rabbi Berel Wein | Cheshvan 15 5782

    We Walk Together

    The centerpiece of Vayera is the Akeida, the last & arguably the most difficult of Avraham’s 10 tests. But Avraham is not the only hero of this story. Yitzchak - no mere “lad” at age 37 - also submits to Hashem’s will.

    Rabbi Stewart Weiss | Cheshvan 15 5782
    Shemone Esrei

    Terms of Service

    At the Shabbat Table

    At the Shabbat Table

    Rabbi Daniel Kirsch | Cheshvan 21 5781

    A Walk Through the Storm

    Rabbi Stewart Weiss | Cheshvan 18 5781

    What Does Our Sedra Teach Us About "Hachnasat Orchim?"

    Rabbi Stewart Weiss | Cheshvan 18 5781
    Parashat Hashavua

    Who Were the Tower Builders? – part III

    Rabbi Yossef Carmel | Cheshvan 15 5781
    Covenant & Conversation

    Answering the Call

    Rabbi Jonathan Sacks | Cheshvan 14 5781

    She Who Laughs Last

    Rabbi Stewart Weiss | Cheshvan 19 5780
    6 min

    The Torah's Stand on Land Concessions for Peace

    Beyond the 4 Amot

    What is the Torah's view on giving away land in order to make a peace agreement with other nations? This week's Parasha "Vayera" gives us an insight into this question.

    Baruch Gordon | Cheshvan 17 5780
    Covenant & Conversation

    Negative capability

    Rabbi Jonathan Sacks | Ceshvan 12 5780
    Covenant & Conversation

    God and Strangers

    Vayera 5779

    Vayera 5779

    Rabbi Jonathan Sacks | Cheshvan 16 5779
    Parashat Hashavua

    Ma’acha Spells Trouble

    Our parasha ends with a list of the offspring of Avraham’s brother, Nachor, most important among them being Rivka, the daughter of his son, Betuel. While most of the children (eight) were from his wife, Milka, he also had four children from his concubine, Reuma (see Bereishit 22:23-24). Thus, there were twelve children, which certainly reminds us of the twelve tribes that were born to Yaakov from his wives (8) and servants (4). While some say that the reason for all this genealogy is to understand where Rivka came from (see Rashi ad loc.), we will try to figure out who the last person mentioned in the list, Ma’acha, was, and what Ma’acha’s connection to Bnei Yisrael was over time.

    Rabbi Yossef Carmel | Cheshvan 16 5779
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