4 Lessons

Irony & Hashem's "Sense of Humor" as Basics in Purim and Jewish Thought!
The Maharal, Rav Kook and others teach of the central theme on Purim of "Overturning"= V'Nahafoch Hu", but the question is: why is this so important? The class suggests 8 reasons why this concept is what convinced Yitro to convert to Judaism, and why this "boomerang" shows not only the irony and humor of God's history, but is so basic to understanding Judaism, justice, philosophy and more.
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Adar 13 5781

Will You Throw Away Your Mask This Purim?
Sometimes rather than endangering lives, throwing away your mask can save lives. A message for Purim.
Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair | Adar 13 5781

Purim-The Vulnerability of Man
Rabbi Sholom Gold | 5765