Beit Midrash

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5 Lessons
    4 min

    The Clearest Sign That Redemption Is Near

    Israel National Torah

    Learning from our ancient sources the clearest sign that Redemption is near...and showing us the realization of the prophecy today!

    Baruch Gordon | Iyar 19 5782
    4 min

    "The Land which ..the eyes of the Lord your God are always upon her"

    In this week's Portion, the Torah describes the reaction of the People of Israel to the scourges which they suffered. It's amazing to see how we reacted during thousands of years, and how we react today…. with all of the strength and power that the Lord gave us.

    Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu | Iyar 18 5782
    4 min

    The Promise Of The Land

    As long as Yisrael does not dwell on its Land, the Land does not give her fruits as she is accustomed. When she will begin to flower again, however, and give of her fruits, this is a clear sign that the end — the time of the Redemption — is approaching when all of Yisrael will return to its Land.

    Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair | Iyar 17 5782

    Why Bad Things Happen To Good People

    Nothing is as challenging to our faith as seeming injustice and tragedy. How does a believing person reconcile an apparently cruel world with an Omnipotent and Merciful Creator?

    Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair | Iyar 26 5781
    6 min

    Large Families - The Jewish Ideal

    Altough it would seem that the larger the family, the less the parents can give, studies show that the Jewish Ideal of large families contributes to better education and to a happier life.

    Rabbi Baruch Finkelstein | 24 Iyar 5772
את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר