Beit Midrash

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6 Lessons
    The Seven Weeks of Condolence

    God's Punishment and Comfort are our Support

    Shiv'a de-Nechemta: The Philosophy of Comfort and Redemption - 4

    Even in the "slap" that Hashem gives us, there is a measure of his relationship with us. This is similar to a father who might hit his son who ran into the road, because he loves him and wants him to be safe.

    Rabbi Hillel Maizels
    The Seven Weeks of Condolence

    Does G-d Care About Us

    Shiv'a de-Nechemta: The Philosophy of Comfort and Redemption - 5

    Yeshayahu's word give the impression that G-d does not care about us and allowed the destruction to take place.

    Rabbi Hillel Maizels
    The Seven Weeks of Condolence

    Hester Panim, Exile and Redeption

    Shiv'a de-Nechemta: The Philosophy of Comfort and Redemption - 6

    The exile was an active decisions of G-d, the result of which was a state of hester panim for the nation. Those who choose to come and live in the Land today and fulfill the prophecies of yore – merit to return to the protective gaze of Hashem Himself.

    Rabbi Hillel Maizels
    The Seven Weeks of Condolence

    Rebuilding Jerusalem

    Shiv'a de-Nechemta: The Philosophy of Comfort and Redemption - 3

    Rebuilding Jerusalem includes: physical building of the city, the society, protection from enemies and the Davidic dynasty.

    Rabbi Hillel Maizels
    The Seven Weeks of Condolence

    Kibutz Galuyot and Self Hatred

    Shiv'a de-Nechemta: The Philosophy of Comfort and Redemption - 2

    In the same verse, Yeshayahu talks about coming back to Israel and self hatred. This bring two opposite explanations.

    Rabbi Hillel Maizels
    The Seven Weeks of Condolence

    Is Redemption Fixed or Flexible

    Shiv'a de-Nechemta: The Philosophy of Comfort and Redemption - 1

    Different translation to Yesha'ayahu's words bring different opinions to the question - are the times of Mashiach fixed or flexible.

    Rabbi Hillel Maizels
את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר