Lessons on Additional Halacha Lessons

What Is The Power Of A Bracha?
Rabbi Stewart Weiss | Cheshvan 29 5783

A Late Tachanun
The chazan skipped Tachanun, and everyone assumed there was a chatan or a brit. After davening, the chazan said he just forgot Tachanun. People disagreed about whether we could/should say Tachanun at that point. What is the halacha?
Rabbi Daniel Mann | Tevet 10 5780

Temporary Markings in a Sefer Torah
Is it permissible to mark a place in a sefer Torah with a “post-it” or the like to know where a reading starts?
Rabbi Daniel Mann | Adar II 28 5779

Reading before Going to Sleep
Is it permissible to read a book after the bedtime Shema/Hamapil? I like to read in bed before falling asleep, but I sometimes fall asleep and, if I have not said them beforehand, it is possible that I will sleep through the night without reciting them.
Rabbi Daniel Mann | Tevet 19 5779

Interruptions during Hallel
Is it and/or under what conditions is it permitted to interrupt Hallel for matters of some importance?
Rabbi Daniel Mann | Kislev 27 5779
A Local Call Out of Area
At The Shabbat Table
At The Shabbat Table
Rabbi Daniel Kirsch | Av 21 5778