Lessons on G-d's leadership in the world

Can Z'chut Avot Ever "Run-Out"?
How does Z'chut Avot (merit of our fore-fathers) work? Why should their actions thousands of years ago, still be effective, say if over the more than 100 generations, we may have done many more sins that eventually out-weigh even their many merits? And if so, does that mean that there possibly may not be a ge'ula (redemption), if we really don't deserve it? Especially today, when most Jews (especially outside of Israel), aren't that observant, this topic is particularly pertinent. As usual, Rav Kook zt"l has an innovative approach to the topic. (Rav Kook, Ayn Aya Shabbat v, 31)
Rabbi Ari Shvat | 17 Elul 5783
A Tale of Two Fathers
After his first Shabbos ends with an unspeakable tragedy, Shimon Ilan’s resilience & faith paves the way for an unexpected friendship and inspires Yaakov Shwekey’s latest hit song Ein Davar Ra.
Rabbi Yoel Gold | Iyar 8 5782
A Tapestry Of Diversity
Wouldn't it be a wonderful world if we were all the same? We'd all get along so well! Right?
Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair | Adar I 23 5782
Signed At Sinai
When Alex Shafir was called to do a random act of kindness he discovers he was repaying a debt 30 years later!
Rabbi Yoel Gold | Adar I 2 5782
Why Evil Exists
A mini-lecture about why evil exists in this world.
Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair | Elul 19 5781
Why Does G-d Test Me With Such Difficult Challenges?
Rav Uriel Tuito of Beit El delivers an important answer to a series of similar but different questions on a critically crucial topic.
Rabbi Oriel Twito | Av 21 5781