Lessons on The Meaning of Hanukkah
The Hidden Light
The light of Chanuka becomes dark in Tevet but it never disappears.
Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair | Tevet 4 5782

Chanuka Lite - Take a Bite!
What did the Maccabim do when they found that 1 jar of unblemished oil? Did they put all the oil in the Menora at one time, so at least 1 day would be a "pure" & complete Mitzva? Or did they divide up the jar & place 1/8 of the oil in the Menora each night, so as to at least do some of the Mitzva?
Rabbi Stewart Weiss | Kislev 20 5782

A Light - Not Fight - to the Nations
Rabbi Stewart Weiss | Tevet 2 5781
Rabbi Berel Wein | Kislev 16 5781

The Eight-Day Mystery
If one only read the Al Hanisim that appears in the Shemonah Esray and benching, one would not know much about the miracle of the oil. Perhaps the lighting is a public manifestation of a miracle that is much more difficult to publicly commemorate.
Rabbi Avraham Rosenthal | Kislev 28 5779

Was the song "Ma'oz Tzur" written for Chanukah?
Rabbi Yosef Tzvi Rimon | 5778

Rabbi Stewart Weiss | כסליו תשע"ז