- Torah Portion and Tanach
- Vayera
The Torah study is dedicatedin the memory of
Rachel Bat Yakut
The destruction of Sodom leaves a deep imprint on Avraham. It helps shape his attitude towards his son Yitzchak. He eschews the choice of the many - of Yishmael and the children of Keturah - in favor of the lonely good and pious son Yitzchak. That is perhaps the message of God to Avraham when He told him: "For through Yitzchak [alone] will you have true descendants." One Yitzchak eventually is able to counter - in Godโs inscrutable reckoning of merits and salvation millions of evildoers - no matter how well pedigreed those evildoers claim to be. Sodom eventually is destroyed by its own innate lack of goodness and of a dearth of pious citizens. But Avraham and Yitzchak, small in numbers and opposed by most of the world, will continue to flourish and proclaim the values of goodness and righteousness in the general world. The prophet Yeshayahu characterizes Avraham as "echad" - one, unique, alone, singular. That description is to be interpreted positively and not as a complaint or source of weakness or pessimism. In a world of the many it is the few that really matter. The lord told us long ago in the book of Dvarim that we would be the fewest of all people. Yet in our influence and strength of spirit we are as numerous as are the stars in heaven. This inner realization of ourselves and our role in Godโs plan for human existence and growth marks us as the true children of Avraham and gives us hope even in a world where Sodom appears all powerful.

The Binding of Isaac
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks | Cheshvan 15 5782
When Kindness is Evil
What is true kindness?
Rabbi Moshe Leib Halberstadt | 19 Cheshvan 5784

Avrahamโs Prophecy
Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff
Why was Sodom so important to our Father Abraham?
Moment of Wisdom
Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu | Cheshvan 16 5782

The Mitzvah of โDucheningโ - Birchas Kohanim
Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | 5769

Some Laws Relating to Tu Bishvat
Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu Zt"l | 7 Shvat 5768

The Mitzvah of โDucheningโ - Birchas Kohanim
Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | 5769

Yitro Deed and Creed
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks | 11 Shvat 5784

Parashat Hashavua: The Ten Commandments โ A Blueprint for World Justice
Rabbi Yossef Carmel | Shevat 5785

THANK TRUMP BUT SING TO G-D & the IDF- Parshat Beshalach & Tu BiShvat
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Shevat 5785 11
Daf Yomi Sanhedrin Daf 54
R' Eli Stefansky | 11 Shevat 5785