Beit Midrash

  • Torah Portion and Tanach
  • Miketz
קטגוריה משנית
To dedicate this lesson
Sefer Bereisheit mentions several dreams: Yakov’s
ladder, Yosef’s stars, Paro’s cows. While dreams
could be messages from Hashem, they are more
often recycled thoughts from our activities & so
are not prophetic & needn’t be concerning. The
Gemara says dreams follow their interpretation &
can be directed to the positive or negative, but
today the art of interpretation is rare. It may
be better to just leave it alone and pay it no
mind. But one who is worried about a dream can
give tzedaka, increase tefila or Torah study, or
even fast that day or the next (if the dream was
about someone else, the dreamer is the one to
fast.). There is a special tefila for one who had
a disturbing dream yet can’t remember it; this is
said when the Kohanim recite Birkat Kohanim
(usually said outside Israel on the Shalosh
R'galim and High Holidays). If one receives
instructions or vows in a dream to do something,
it need not be followed; but if concerned, one
can do hatarat nedarim. Finally, some say a bad
dream may actually be a good thing; the "bad"
thing will happen only in the dream & not in actual reality.
את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר