Beit Midrash

  • Torah Portion and Tanach
  • Bereshit
קטגוריה משנית
To dedicate this lesson
Answer: The phrase, "In the Beginning" implies
that Creation had a beginning, that G-d brought
space & time into existence from nothing
(ex-nihilo). Scientists have struggled mightily
to prove or disprove this idea. The "Steady-State
theory" supposed that, somehow, the Universe had
always existed. But others argued that, if time
was reversed, we would eventually reach a point
of zero volume & infinite destiny. At that point,
Time & Space began with an explosive force, a
"Big Bang." This theory proposed that there
should be an "afterglow" of micro-radiation in
the cosmos which emanated from the Big Bang. And
sure enough, in 1964, scientists Penzias & Wilson
- & later, George Smoot, in 1992 - discovered a
micro-wave signal from space, providing decisive,
empirical evidence of the Big Bang. The Torah’s
postulation that the Universe had a specific
beginning point is now widely accepted by the
scientific community. (With thanks to Rabbi Dr. Julian Shindler).
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