- Torah Portion and Tanach
- Vayera
Tests may consist of feats of strength, or they may be feats of belief – or both. In last week’s sedra, Avraham took on a powerful array of kings and almost single-handedly defeated them. Because he was engaged in a great Mitzva – Pidyon Sh’Vuyim, rescuing Lot, his captive nephew – Avraham was sure that he would receive Divine assistance in winning the day.
In this week’s Sedra, Avraham is tested several times. He extends himself to a trio of strangers, showing them Chesed; yet he also acquiesces in the banishment of his son Yishmael, at the urging of his wife Sarah. It’s no simple thing to open your home to those in need; & it was also extremely painful to expel a son, even one that had displayed some very unsavory habits.
Avraham nearly loses Sarah, when she is kidnapped & taken hostage, & then, almost ironically, he must face the challenge of offering his & Sarah’s son as a human sacrifice. In the end, Avraham is spared by Hashem from executing Yitzchak, yet he (& we!) are still given eternal credit for his readiness to do so.
"Ma’aseh Avot siman l’banim," we say. The actions of our ancestors point our way throughout history. Dramatically, the incidents & lessons in our Parsha are particularly true today.
We are a merciful, kind people – Rachamin Bnei Rachamin. We go out of our way for strangers, & Jewish intelligence & ingenuity have blessed this world with innumerable gifts (see: Jewish Nobel Prize winners). But we also know when to keep our distance from those individuals – even our relatives – who represent an antithesis of our moral values. And we are prepared to sublimate our own beliefs to a Higher Mind, even to the extent that we will risk our own family in the process.
Israel today is facing one of its greatest tests. We are confronted by an animalistic, barbaric enemy that has breached our gates one time too many. Our natural bent towards mercy must be forcibly counteracted & we must show no compassion to these forces of evil. They must be confronted & utterly destroyed - for all of humanity’s benefit, as well as for our own.
G-d forbid, we may have to risk the lives of our extended family, even the sacrifice of those we love most, to achieve this historic victory. Placed in no-win situations by a despicable, moral-less foe, we will have to make many excruciatingly hard decisions that test our
resolve & require all the courage we can muster. We will have to steel ourselves, Avraham & Sarah-like, to subjugate our personal desires for the good of the nation.
Avraham’s first command was "Lech-Lecha," which can mean "go out of yourself." We, too, must be prepared to leave our comfort zones & do whatever must be done to defeat the enemy. With Hashem’s help, we shall emerge victorious, eradicate evil & save ourselves – & the world.