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- The Laws of Purim
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Alternatively, there is a custom to combine the Purim meal with the first Shabbat meal on Friday night. Some great Torah authorities follow this custom, while others recommend doing so only be-di’avad. In order to follow this custom, one must pray Minĥa and then begin the meal while it is still Purim. Then, around a half-hour before shki’a, one should accept Shabbat by lighting the Shabbat candles, place a covering over the bread, and recite kiddush over wine. Since one has already recited the berakha over wine (Ha-gafen) during the Purim meal, one should omit that berakha in kiddush. After kiddush, one continues the meal, making sure to eat a keveitza of bread, or at least a kezayit, for the Shabbat meal. At the end of the meal, one recites Retzei Ve-haĥalitzenu in Birkat Ha-mazon, adding Al Ha-nisim in the Ha-Raĥaman ("May the Merciful One") section at the end of the prayer. After the meal, one prays Ma’ariv. 18
^ 18.Responsa Maharil §56 states that when Purim falls out on Friday one may begin the meal before Minĥa ketana (about three hours before the end of the day). Rema 695:2 states that one should eat the meal in the morning. MB ad loc. 10 states that, le-khatĥila, one should eat the meal before midday, but be-di’avad, one may begin to eat any time before shki’a (see MB 529:8).
The source of the custom of combining the meals (called "pores mapa u-mekadesh," literally, "place a cover and recite kiddush," after a key element of the practice) is Pesaĥim 100a, and it is explained in SA 271:4. Me’iri followed this practice, le-khatĥila, when Purim would fall out on Friday (Me’iri, Ketubot 7a). Some Aĥaronim followed this practice as well. Kaf Ha-ĥayim 271:22 states in the name of Arizal that, le-khatĥila, this should not be done, because one must make kiddush after praying Ma’ariv. According to Me’iri and MA 695:9, one should recite both Retzei and Al Ha-nisim at their regular places. However, MB 695:15 states, based on Ĥayei Adam, that one should not recite Al Ha-nisim. I suggested above that one should recite Al Ha-nisim in the Ha-raĥaman section because it does not affect one’s fulfillment of the mitzva of Birkat Ha-mazon if it is recited there.