- Shabbat and Holidays
- The Ninth of Av
The 3 Weeks follow the same pattern, but in reverse order: The opening 12 days, beginning on the 17th of Tamuz, introduce a general mood of sadness. Then, on Rosh Chodesh Av, that sadness intensifies, culminating finally in the saddest day of the year, Tisha B’Av.
But we might ask: Why are these two similar events – Aveilut and Churban Bet HaMikdash - not done in the same exact order? Why are they "mirror-images" of one another?
Picture inverted triangles. The top one represents aveilut. What is the progression of mourning? It begins with a very small point; that is the intense moment when a loved one dies. We are constricted, all alone with our thoughts and pain and personal feelings; we are the "Ani," the "I" of Aninut. We are even separated to some extent from G-d; we don’t perform positive Mitzvot, or even Brachot. Then, at the Shiva, we "open up" a bit more, as friends and family come to console us. As even more time goes by, we slowly return to wider society, to a more normal life. Our activities expand, and the triangle becomes wide again.
But in the Three Weeks, it’s the opposite dynamic. We had a vibrant, expansive community and unlimited spiritual opportunities in ancient Israel. But we did not appreciate what Hashem gave us. And so, on 10 Tevet, a siege was put upon Yerushalayim; it was a "wake-up" call to us to clean up our act. But we didn’t get the message, and so, 6 months later, on 17 Tamuz, the walls were breached and our fortunes shrank even further. Yet we still had the chance to do Teshuva, and to reverse the coming tragedy. Alas, as the prophet Yirmiyahu reports, we dismissed the danger, ignored the call to repent, and our fate was sealed. Jerusalem was sacked, the Bet HaMikdash burnt, and a great people became very small. Indeed, we almost disappeared completely, like that tiniest point of the bottom triangle.
But there is good news, too. When the triangle reaches it’s smallest stage, it begins to regenerate, to grow and expand. And so, while the expansion has been long and slow, we have once again become a great nation. We have reclaimed Eretz Yisrael, largely rebuilt our Holy City, gathered in our people from far and wide. In just two generations, our Jewish population has grown more than 1000%! Tziyon again brims with Jews and Torah & life.
None of this has happened by chance; it is the result of a deep and determined partnership between Hashem and His people. Our mission is not yet complete, but we are almost, almost there. The moment is close - close your eyes, and visualize Geula.
7. Anointing Oneself, Fragrances, and Smoking
Chapter 10: The Laws of Tisha Be-Av
Rabbi Eliezer Melamed | Cheshvan 21 5782
2. General Rules of the Fasts
Chapter 10: The Laws of Tisha Be-Av
Rabbi Eliezer Melamed | Cheshvan 21 5782

Tisha B'Av
Rabbi Zev Leff | 8 Menachem Av 5784
Unleash the Torah's Shackles!
Rabbi Netanel Yossifun | Av 8 5782

Rabbi Stewart Weiss
Was ordained at the Hebrew Theological College in Skokie, Illinois, and led congregations in Chicago and Dallas prior to making Aliyah in 1992. He directs the Jewish Outreach Center in Ra'anana, helping to facilitate the spiritual absorption of new olim.

Who was the mysterious “wood gatherer” & what was his sin?
Sivan 5783

Shul “etiquette:” can we honor Hashem while respecting our fellow congregants?
Iyar 5783

In My Life, I’ve Loved Them All
20 Elul 5783

When silence is not golden!
20 Sivan 5784

Nothing Like Prayer with Repentance
Rabbi Avraham Shapira Zt"l | 16 Shvat 5785

Defense vs. Lashon HaRah
The Speaker, the Spoken & the Receiver via Rav Kook's New Account of Mephiboshet
Rabbi Ari Shvat | 12 Shevat 5784