- Torah Portion and Tanach
- Shlach Lecha
In response to the hysteria of the people, Hashem wishes to destroy the nation altogether, but Moshe successfully intercedes on their behalf. Hashem then decrees a 40-year wandering in the desert, during which this generation will die out. Some of the people regret their sin & try to enter Israel immediately (against G-d's will) but are wiped out.
The Parsha then discusses the law of wine libations & the law of Challa, separating a piece of the dough to give to the Kohen. We then read about the incident of the "M'koshesh Etzim," who desecrated the Shabbat by collecting wood & was executed. Finally, we read the 3rd paragraph of the Shema, detailing the Mitzva to wear Tzitzit on our four-cornered garments, which serve as a constant reminder of
Hashem & His commandments.