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The United Nations, especially UNRWA, willingly is a co-conspirator in this cruel charade known as "the right of return." The Palestinians are hell-bent on declaring themselves to be a state. Yet, within the portion of the land of Israel now under their control there are large refugee camps containing hundreds of thousands of their own Palestinian people, for whom it does little or nothing. In the outskirts of Gaza, Jenin, Bethlehem and other Arab cities on the West Bank there are enormous refugee camps crammed with despairing and helpless people. It is in these refugee camps that terror squads are formed and bred. The Palestinian Authority, upon which the world lavishes hundreds of millions of dollars a year, keeps these people in squalor, crime and hopelessness. It feeds them the line that someday – and that day is always just around the corner – they will inhabit Haifa and Tel Aviv, Jaffa and Safed. In order to deflect anger and violence from itself, the Palestinian Authority has indoctrinated these unfortunates with the belief that Israel is the root cause for all of their misery and troubles. There is a growing sensation that these people now realize that the corruption and cruelty of their Palestinian brothers towards them is certainly the direct cause of their misery. Because of this realization it is possible, if not even probable, that the next intifada will be against the Palestinian Authority and it will be fueled by the frustration and hopelessness of the refugee camps. However, there is no doubt that the propaganda and indoctrination of the Palestinian Authority has so poisoned the minds of the Palestinian masses that Israel and Jews remain the real enemy, worthy of destruction and annihilation. So the ultimate intifada will be against Israel solely.
Is there anything Israel can do regarding this near existential threat to its existence as represented by the Palestinian refugees? It should be clear to all that any sort of settlement with the Palestinian Authority that does not now include a blanket "right of return" will not be accepted by the Palestinian masses. The Palestinian Authority has painted itself – and Israel with it - into a corner by trumpeting this issue for the past almost seventy years and has left itself almost no wiggle room for compromise. There is no Israeli government that can ever agree to any blanket, all-inclusive "right of return" for the generations descended from the original Palestinian refugees. This issue has always been swept under the rug and overshadowed by territorial withdrawals and land swaps and other such cosmetic issues. The heart of the matter still lies with the status of Jerusalem and with the refugees issues. Since neither of these issues seems amenable to settlement in the foreseeable future, maintaining the status quo, tenuous and uncomfortable as it may be for both sides, seems to be the only practical option remaining. One certainly cannot win a Nobel Peace Prize for maintaining the status quo. Nevertheless, the status quo may be the only viable policy extant within the current makeup of the Middle East and Arab society.