- Torah Portion and Tanach
- Ekev
The Torah study is dedicatedin the memory of
Amram son of Sultana
According to Rabbinic tradition, however, the blessing mentioned here is an expression of our thanksgiving for the food we have eaten, and should therefore be recited after a regular meal marked by the eating of bread. Birkat Hamazon is comprised of four blessings. The first blessing does in fact give expression to our feelings of thanksgiving for our daily bread. In the second blessing, however, we give thanks for the gift of the Land of Israel. This blessing contains a phrase that stresses the value of the land of Israel. We thank God for having given us "a land that is desirable, good and vast" (ארץ חמדה טובה ורחבה). This is certainly surprising, for nowhere do we find a description of the land of Israel that would justify calling it "a vast land."
I once heard an explanation of this difficulty offered by Rabbi Robman, he pointed out that valuable things are measured in small units. If someone would tell us that he saw a diamond of two meters, we would immediately know that he is lying, for diamonds are measured not in meters but in carats. An ordinary stone of two meters, however, is possible, and not even particularly remarkable. Since the Land of Israel is such a desirable land, it too should be measured not in kilometers, but in carats. In terms of carats, the land of Israel is an enormous land. May God give us the wisdom and vision to know how to measure the land that He has given us.
This is a weekly column contributed by Aloh Naaleh an organization devoted to motivating Jews to make Aliya.
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