- Mishna and Talmud
- Avoda Zora
The Torah study is dedicatedin the memory of
Rachel bat Yakot
The media server is dedicated by the Green family to the souls of their loved ones

Daf Yomi - Avoda Zora 64
Rabbi Ephraim Schreibman | Cheshvan 09 5771

Daf Yomi - Avoda Zora 68
Rabbi Ephraim Schreibman | Cheshvan 13 5771

Daf Yomi - Avoda Zora 6
Rabbi Ephraim Schreibman | Elul 10 5770

Daf Yomi - Avoda Zora 72
Rabbi Ephraim Schreibman | Cheshvan 17 5771

What Do These "Shovavim" Days Mean to Us?
Rabbi Gur Aria Argamon | Tevet 20 5783
“Hatov Vehametiv”
Rabbi Eliezer Melamed | 5769

Purim Meshulash Guide for those in Yerushalayim Only
Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff | Adar 2 5768

How Does a Person Convert to Judaism?
Rabbi Yirmiyohu Kaganoff

Defense vs. Lashon HaRah
The Speaker, the Spoken & the Receiver via Rav Kook's New Account of Mephiboshet
Rabbi Ari Shvat | 12 Shevat 5784
Daf Yomi Sanhedrin Daf 56
R' Eli Stefansky | 13 Shevat 5785
Daf Yomi Sanhedrin Daf 55
R' Eli Stefansky | 12 Shevat 5785