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 Sukkot - Commemorating What?

Sukkot - Commemorating What?

In the midrash we find three explanations for this mitzva.

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Daily Times in Jerusalem

8 Shvat 5785 | 6/2/2025

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Shabbat Beshalach

10 Shvat 5785

Shabbat Times | Parashat Hashavua
  • 16:43 Candle lighting
  • 17:58 End of Shabbat
  • 18:37 Rabeinu Tam

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Beit HaMikdash study. Saying Baruch Shem

Rabbi David Sperling


Hello Rabbi, I have a few questions, thank you for all of your guidance! 1. When/how in depth must I study about the holy temple / beit hamikdash? 2. How long after praying in vain do I have to say baruch shem? Best, Sophia


Shalom, Thank you for your questions. 1. Like all parts of the Torah, studying about the Beit HaMikdash is important. As to how much time and effort one should invest in this particular part of the Torah, in relation to all the other parts, is a difficult question. It depends on one’s overall Torah understanding, how much time one has, and many other factors. Without knowing you personally, and your background, it is hard to answer you. May I suggest a few guidelines? Firstly, practical halacha should take preference. As too should a general knowledge of Torah and Tanach. However, as a quick introduction to the Beit HaMikdash one could start with learning the sections in the Rambam that teach about this topic. 2. Having said a blessing in vain, one should recite Barch Shem. This should be done as soon as one realizes that they said the blessing in vain. The Chai Adam (5,1) rules to say it “immediately”. However, in Shut Minchat Yiztchak (7,3) rules that if one did not say it immediately, they should say it whenever they can. Blessings.

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