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 Sukkot - Commemorating What?

Sukkot - Commemorating What?

In the midrash we find three explanations for this mitzva.

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Daily Times in Jerusalem

12 Kislev 5785 | 13/12/2024

Daily Times | more times
  • 06:29 Sunrise

Shabbat Vayishlach

13 Kislev 5785

Shabbat Times | Parashat Hashavua
  • 16:01 Candle lighting
  • 17:17 End of Shabbat
  • 17:54 Rabeinu Tam
  • 14:04 Tenth hour

1st of Chanukka

Thursday, 25 Kislev 5785

1st of Chanukka
  • 16:47 Sunset
  • 17:06 Tzet HaKochavim

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Daily Halacha

Blessing on the Ocean

Rabbi David Sperling


If someone saw the ocean but didnt make the berakhah and then the next day comes back to the ocean, can he then make the berakhah, or did he lose the chance at the berakhah since on the second day it is within thirty days of seeing the ocean?


Shalom, Thank you for your question. The blessing on the ocean is said if 30 days passed since one last saw the ocean. However, if you saw the ocean, even if you did not make a blessing on it, then one cannot say the blessing until a period of at least 30 days passes without seeing it again. So, in answer to your question, you may not recite the blessing on the next day. On the other hand, if one sees the ocean, and does not say the blessing immediately, as long as one has not left the ocean, one can say the blessing a little later. So, for example, if someone is driving to the sea, and can see the ocean from the car, they may wait until they walk down to the seashore to say the blessing, as they did not depart the ocean in the meantime. Blessings.

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