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 Sukkot - Commemorating What?

Sukkot - Commemorating What?

In the midrash we find three explanations for this mitzva.

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Daily Times in Jerusalem

14 Shvat 5785 | 12/2/2025

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  • 17:28 Sunset

Shabbat Yitro

17 Shvat 5785

Shabbat Times | Parashat Hashavua
  • 16:49 Candle lighting
  • 18:03 End of Shabbat
  • 18:43 Rabeinu Tam

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Water leak monitor

Rabbi Yoel Lieberman


Hello, My home is equipped with a new device which is called Flume. This device is wrapped outside of my home to the main valve and it monitors the home’s water usage and possible leaks. I was wondering if there is any issue with Shabbat.


ב"ה Shalom There definitely can be an issue with Shabbat if the device is electronic and not mechanical. However, in order to answer the question, one must fully understand how the mechanism operates, which I do not. Secondly, even if I would know, it is an issue which I would consult with a senior Halachic authority in order to give a ruling. Therefore, my first practical suggestion would be to find a G-d fearing plumber who has already explored the issue and has consulted a Halachic authority who has given a ruling on the subject. Alternatively, you may contact the Tzomet Institute in Israel [which deals with the Halachic aspect of electronic products] by email and see if they are familiar with your device and if they have a Halachic ruling for you. Meanwhile, I have translated here what The Tzomet Institute, has written on the issue of water sensors. But in order to know what is relevant to your device, you need to contact the Flume company and inquire how the mechanism operates and then see if any of the following is relevant to your device. The Tzomet Institute describes 3 measuring methods: Method A: The water, as it flows, rotates wheels with magnets mounted on them. In front of the magnet, a sensor component is located, which detects the passage of the magnet in its vicinity and immediately 'records' it. The quantity of water is calculated based on the number of contacts between the magnet and the sensor component. When you open the water tap in your home, you inadvertently activate and disconnect electrical connections, many times. This is certainly prohibited according to religious law on the Sabbath and holidays. Method B: In front of the described magnet (in method A ) , an additional magnet is installed. Changes in the magnetic field serve the electronic chip to calculate the amount of water consumption, without an on-off (of electrical current) , but through changes in current, frequency, or magnetic field. Method C: A small transmitter sends audio waves into the water, and opposite it, at a fixed distance, there is a receiver of audio waves. Changes in the flow rate of the water affect the frequency of the received sound, and based on this data, the electronic chip 'knows' the water consumption level. There are water meters available in the market that operate using other methods. The Tzomet Institute has been involved in water meter testing and consulting for water consumption planning and approval of some of them for about 15 years. Most of the water meters that the institute approves operate using Method B – the method of current change (or frequency change, and so on), which is permitted according to most religious authorities. שמירת שבת כהלכתה, מהד' תש"ע, פרק י הערה לז; קיצוש"ע ילקוט יוסף, ענייני חשמל סעי' כ The issue of 'writing' on the display is resolved by requiring that the display represent water consumption in multiples of at least 100 liters. This requirement ensures that the display will generally not change during normal faucet openings. (which follows the Halachic principal of a doubtful "Psik Reisha) Consequently, you see, the use of such a device on Shabbat does create problems. Therefore, in the meantime, until you receive a decisive answer and have a solution, you should to deactivate the device on Shabbat and Yom tov. All the best Shalom Tammuz 5784 Since I answered the question a few months back , I came upon additional information to enhance my previous answer. In Shmirat Shabbat Kehilchata of Rav Neuwirth zt”l, chap. 28 note 72, he quotes the opinion Rav Shlomo Zalman Oirbach zt”l who relates directly to water meters and says that opening the water faucet on Shabbat is allowed since it is פסיקה רישיה דלא ניחא ליה דשרי בדרבנן . This means that although the activating the electrical current is inevitable, the result is bothersome for the person opening the water, and if the prohibition is only a Rabbinic prohibition it is allowed. Furthermore, a major posek, Rav Yitzchak Shecter Shlit”a, in his book Yashiv Yitzchal vol. 30 :6-10 related also to the issue of electronic water meters directly and ruled that one may open the water faucet on Shabbat for the following reasons. Activating the electric current is not for sure, because activating the meter occurs only after a certain amount of water passes through so it doesn’t necessarily happen every time the faucet is open. Secondly, the activation doesn’t come as a directly result of opening the faucet, but only as a כח שני , meaning an indirect consequence. But these are leniencies he sides by if there is no choice in the matter or the meter was already installed. I believe this sheds a bot more light on the issue. All the best ה' עוז לעמו יתן ה' יברך את עמו בשלום

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