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 Sukkot - Commemorating What?

Sukkot - Commemorating What?

In the midrash we find three explanations for this mitzva.

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Daily Times in Jerusalem

16 Shvat 5785 | 14/2/2025

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Shabbat Yitro

17 Shvat 5785

Shabbat Times | Parashat Hashavua
  • 16:49 Candle lighting
  • 18:03 End of Shabbat
  • 18:43 Rabeinu Tam
  • 14:38 Tenth hour

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Kashering before conversion

Rabbi Elchanan Lewis


Is it allowed for one who is going through conversion to Kasher the kitchen before the conversion process is complete or is it a requirement that the conversion process be completed first?


In order to prepare him self for Jewish life and so he should know what kind of life style you are going to enter, a convert in process should have a Kosher kitchen. Nonetheless, since the conversion candidate is not yet Jewish, the kitchen will require Kashering after conversion and Toveling in Mikveh (without a Bracha) after Kashering.

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Parashat Hashavua

Don't be indifferent!

Don't be indifferent!

What did Yitro hear? What caused him to leave his home and go to the wilderness? What happened that he couldn't be indifferent?

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