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קטגוריה משנית
Hi, Thanks in advance. Can an Ashkenazi jew convert to become a sfardy or a sfardy to Ashkenazi? It differs in food on Passover And if the ladies hair may be seen 2 inches And for kashrus by meat etc.
Thank you for your question. A convert can go by Sfardy or Ashkenazi Hallachot and minhagim. Whichever he chooses. He has to decide which is the best for him, and go by all their Hallachot. The best is for the Beit din to tell the convert to go by a certain group (Sfardy or Ashkenazi) for a while on condition that after he learns a little more he may decide for good which group he prefers to belong to. See Halichot Shlomo, 5;80). All the best
את המידע הדפסתי באמצעות אתר