Ask the Rabbi

קטגוריה משנית
What was the terrible sin of Sodom and Gomorah? Even if they didn't fulfill the mitzva of hosting guests properly, this isn't a mitzva for which one is sentenced to death!
It's true the Torah says that the sins of Sodom were great and many but doesn't detail. From parallel sources in other Biblical references, we see they sinned in not aiding the poor (Yechezkel 16, 49). In Breishit itself, we find similarly they wanted to punish Lot for hosting guests, and they threatened to rape them ("Sodomy", Breishit 19, 4-6). Their sexual immorality apparently even influenced Lot as well, for Lot offers them to rape his own daughters instead (ibid, 8)! Our sages mention many sins there, but their fate was sealed, as above, because of their immorality (Sanhedrin 109), even refusing to help others when not at their own expense (Ketuvot 103a), or a simple lack of caring (Avot 5, 4). Although God promised not to bring another flood like in Noach's generation, Sodom and Amorah deserved a "mini" version of such punishment, for similar sins.
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