- Family and Society
- Trumos & Maasros - Genaral
We received a package of oranges and grapefruits from Israel. How would I go about taking Trumot and Ma’asrot from it? Do I have to take the tithes from each fruit separately or can I take it together?
If we are referring to one package of oranges, you can take Ma'asrot from one of the oranges for all of them. If from different shipments, Ma'asrot must be separated from each shipment. Oranges and grapefruits are different species and must be tithed separately.

Rabbi Yoel Lieberman | Nisan 12, 5772

Fruit Trees
Torah & Land Institution | 19 Shevat 5767

Terumot Umaasrot on Israeli Exports to US
Rabbi Chaim Tabasky | 22 Iyyar 5765

Plants Grown Out of Earth
Rabbi Chaim Tabasky | 5 Tammuz 5764

Mezzuzah for Non Jew
Rabbi David Sperling | Iyyar 18, 5773
Genesis 24: 2-9 – Put your hand under my thigh
Rabbi Moshe Leib Halberstadt | Tevet 26, 5770

Shaliach Tzibbur wearing a talis/hat for mariv
Rabbi David Sperling | Sivan 7, 5775