- Halacha
- Cohen's Marriage
Can a cohen marry the daughter of a convert woman? (I have to precise that the mother converted to orthodox Judaism before getting married and before conceiving the child - which means the child was born Jewish and by extension her mother was also Jewish as she converted before getting married)
If not, what are the detailed reasons/explanations behind that would not allow this union?
The Shulchan Aruch (Even Ha'ezer 7: 21) states that a cohen may marry the daughter of a convert woman, if the woman alone is the convert. However, he may not marry the child of a union in which both the mother and father are converts.

Casting Doubt on the Cohen
Rabbi Elchanan Lewis | Iyyar 15, 5768

Cohain marriage to Ba’al Teshuva
Rabbi Elchanan Lewis | 5 Cheshvan 5766

Conversion of doubt
Rabbi Chaim Tabasky | 19 Tevet 5766