- Family and Society
- Modesty in Dress
Is it better for a girl not to wear red? What if a garmant has just a red stripe? Does this apply to everything, including pyjamas and clothing just worn around the house?
Shalom U'varacha
The prohibition against wearing red is in fact a prohibition against wearing "loud" clothing that draws attention to the woman wearing it. If one wears clothing that has red in it but is still modest then it is permitted. This is also the case regarding any clothing worn at home or in a private place.
Kol Tuv
Rabbi Gideon Weitzman

Buddha Figurine
Rabbi Chaim Tabasky | 26 Tevet 5766

Can a convert be a judge (dayan)
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Tammuz 21, 5781

Alignment of Planets
Rabbi Jonathan Blass | 22 Cheshvan 5764