- Halacha
- Kashrut
Would a very religious ashkenazi jew eat a cold fish buffet on shabbat prepared by a sephardi caterer? I know that eating meat could be a problem, but is it safe to offer fish?
There is no problem I can see with fish if the caterer is Kosher (has a reputable Hechsher). With meat the problem is usually for Sefaradim who have to eat Challak.
Rabbi Ya'akov Cohen
Chicken and milk
Rabbi Moshe Leib Halberstadt | Sivan 28, 5772

Hechsher for empty vegan capsules
Rabbi Yoel Lieberman | Kislev 20, 5785

Rabbi David Sperling | Sivan 4, 5784

Status of mixed wines.
Rabbi Yoel Lieberman | Shevat 5, 5780

Nails clipping and pregnancy
Rabbi David Sperling | Cheshvan 5, 5781

Nichsei Milog & Tzon Barzel
Rabbi Elchanan Lewis | 7 Tishrei 5766

Cohen marry daughter of a convert
Rabbi Yoel Lieberman | Adar 20, 5770