- Halacha
- Netilat Yadayim Before the Meal
- Halacha
- Hand Washing
If one needs to do netilayt yadayim from a haircut/bathroom/shoes for example and wants to wash for bread
can he be "yotzei" the bathroom Netilah by washing for bread netilah?
If one wants to wash hands after the bathroom and to wash for food, he should wash first for the bathroom, say "Asher Yatzar", wash again and say "Al Netilat Yadayim".
In such case one should not wash first time a proper Netilah, just a regular hand wash. (Shulcah Aruch OC 165; 1)
The Mishnah Brurah ibid 2; gives another option, if one did wash his hands after the bathroom with a vessel in a way which is satisfactory for bread, one can say both Brachot one after the other; starting with "Al Netilat Yadayim" proceeding with "Asher Yatzar".

Amen after washing before Hamotzi
Various Rabbis | 20 Iyyar 5763

Washing Twice
Various Rabbis | 22 Sivan 5765

Eating on a bus
Various Rabbis | Iyyar 21, 5769

Washing on each hand two or three times?
Rabbi David Sperling | Adar 12, 5775

On which day may one start wishing "Shabbat Shalom"?
Rabbi David Sperling | Iyyar 9, 5780

On which day may one start wishing "Shabbat Shalom"?
Rabbi David Sperling | Iyyar 9, 5780

money on Shabbat
Rabbi David Sperling | Tammuz 20, 5775