- Torah and Jewish Thought
- Principles of Mitzva Observance
If one has a job helping others (eg: assisting the mentally ill in finding employment) is one entitled to feel they are performing a Mitzvah while they work? Or only that they are performing their job?
A person who has the opportunity to have a profession that also allows the betterment of the human condition, certainly should thank G-d for this, and in that way, incorporate one’s work into the service of Hashem. Awareness that one is serving Hashem (i.e. doing a mitzvah) is fine as one as one doesn’t think he deserves a pat on the back. One also shouldn’t use it as an excuse not to do other good deeds.

Rabbi Ari Shvat | Adar II 4, 5784

Rabbi Ari Shvat | Cheshvan 28, 5784

follow-up to today’s response about Conservative Shuls
Rabbi Yoel Lieberman | Sivan 30, 5772

Minimum Halachic Requirements
Various Rabbis | 25 Cheshvan 5765
Immersion with Earplugs
Rabbi Gideon Weitzman | 4 Tevet 5764

Kashering before conversion
Rabbi Elchanan Lewis | 9 Nisan 5767

Tzniut in the Torah
Rabbi Chaim Tabasky | 29 Iyyar 5764