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My rabbi (who is, sadly, pro-disengagement) made a statement that disturbed me. He said that the residents of Gush Katif & the Shomron would take up arms against the Israeli Army to prevent being removed from their homes. I believe if we trade land for "peace" we will end up with neither one, and we should do all that is reasonable in our power to prevent the disengagement, but I do not believe the residents of Yesha would take the life of a fellow Jew over this issue. Who is right?
I believe you are.

Electricity and civilian poplations in time of war
Rabbi Elchanan Lewis | 29 Av 5766

Halakha in dealing with the innocent maj. of West Bank Pal.
Rabbi Yoel Lieberman | Tammuz 19, 5774

Could there be souls in robots or clones?
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Cheshvan 22, 5778

Does corona make us united or separated?
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Tammuz 10, 5780

Crying Altar?
Rabbi Jonathan Blass | 10 Kislev 5764

Mourners eating out
Rabbi David Sperling | Tammuz 24, 5773