- Halacha
- Immersing in the Mikve
Does a plastic electric Shabbat kettle bought from a shop owned and run by Jews need to be Toveled?
At the bottom, inside the kettle there is what appears to be a metallic plate, presumably what actually heats up the water.
The kettle itself needs to be Toveled with a Bracha, even though it's from plastic, since it has a heater that's metal (Sefer Hakashrut).
Rabbi Ro'i Margalit

Kashered Silverware in Old Box
Rabbi Eliezer S. Weisz | 29 Tevet 5764

back in the bottle
Rabbi Yoel Lieberman | Nisan 19, 5772

Mikve kelim after dark
Various Rabbis | Adar II 20, 5768

Immersion of Bottles
Rabbi Eliezer S. Weisz | 24 Shevat 5764

Mixed gym
Rabbi David Sperling | Iyyar 25, 5771

Relations with a gentile woman
Rabbi Chaim Tabasky | Tevet 16, 5768

Jews murdering prophets
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Tammuz 2, 5780