- Family and Society
- Modesty in Dress
Are Shabbat robes Tzanua? Can they be worn outside the home? Is it Tzanua if they resemble garments worn by Muslim women, such as abayahs?
Tzniut is a question of Halacha and if the garment fits the Halachic requirements – it is Tzanua.
Nonetheless Tzniut is a question of geography, to say - another factor for Tzniut which is does it attract special attention, and if it is something that is not worn in that specific place and time it might not be Tzanua to ware as you stand out and attract attention.
I'm pretty sure these robes meet all Halachic measures of Tzniut.

Kashrut in Israel
Rabbi Elchanan Lewis | 3 Kislev 5765

Kaddish for non Jewish Relatives
Rabbi Chaim Tabasky | 28 Tammuz 5766

Reciting a Bracha with Dirty Hands
Rabbi David Sperling | Av 1, 5771