- Halacha
- Kippa
Dear Rabbi,
I want to offer to all the guest at my sons Bar Mitzvah a suede leather kippa.
As the suede kippa is an animal product has it to be kosher? Are all rules applying to kosher meat also valid for a leather suede kippa?
What are the points that I should check before buying a suede leather kippa?
No requirements other than that the Kippa should cover most of the head - the rules of Kosher apply to eating and not to the use of suede.
Immersion with Earplugs
Rabbi Gideon Weitzman | 4 Tevet 5764

Who are the descendants of Cham?
Rabbi Ari Shvat | Av 3, 5775

Tzniut in the Torah
Rabbi Chaim Tabasky | 29 Iyyar 5764