- Shabbat and Holidays
- General Questions
What is the Halacha about cutting on Shabbat into a cake that has writing on it made out of frosting?
The Poskim are divided on this question - the R’ma (Orach Chayim 340,3) forbidding cutting into the writing; the Dagul MeRvava - permitting it. Since the question involves a rabbinical rather than a Torah injunction, it is possible to accept the more lenient opinion, but abstaining is a reasonable “Hidur”.

Making egg salad on Shabbat
Rabbi David Sperling | Shevat 22, 5772

Keeping Food Warm
Rabbi Eliezer S. Weisz | 8 Sivan 5764
Crystallized honey
Rabbi Gideon Weitzman | Adar 16, 5777

Edamame on Shabbos
Rabbi David Sperling | Shevat 20, 5777

Accidently Eating Treif/Chametz
Rabbi Chaim Tabasky | 8 Sivan 5765

Carrying House Keys
Rabbi David Sperling | Sivan 14, 5774