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Parashat “Shema” and Parashat “Vehaya Im Shamoa”

Parashat “Shema” and Parashat “Vehaya Im Shamoa”

Parashiot Shema Israel and Vehaya im shamoa contain the indispensable principles of the special nature of living in the Land of Israel. Therefore, Moshe teaches the people of Israel these Parashiot at the threshold of The Promised Land.

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Daily Times in Jerusalem

11 Tishrei 5785 | 13/10/2024

Daily Times | more times
  • 6:41 Sunrise
  • 8:57 Kriyat Shma MGA

Shabbat Chol Hamoed Sukkot

17 Tishrei 5785

Shabbat Times | Parashat Hashavua
  • 17:27 Candle lighting
  • 18:39 End of Shabbat
  • 19:19 Rabeinu Tam


Wednesday, 14 Tishrei 5785

  • 17:30 Chag begins
  • 18:41 Chag ends
  • 19:22 Rabenu Tam

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Teshuva to forgive serious sins

Rabbi Ari Shvat


Is anyone beyond Teshuva? Surely Hitler could not have been forgiven if he did teshuva?


Only God is the real Forgiver, and He is the only One Who knows and decides. But regarding your extreme question, the Talmud recounts severely evil gentiles (Gittin 56b) who are not enabled to repent, and accordingly surely Hitler ym"sh definitely could not repent. On the other hand, most rabbinic sources, especially those relating to Teshuva, deal with Jews, and the sources go out of their way to stress that even when our sages teach that a certain sin cannot be forgiven, that is just part of the challenge. When Elisha ben Avuya is told, "all can return except him" (Chagiga 15a), R. Tzaddok & Rav Kook explain that if nevertheless he returns, it is totally sincere and without ulterior motives, and accordingly is definitely accepted.

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